Salam and howdy peeps!
Say whutt?? It's July already?? Where have all the hours gone to?? **smack-own-head**. There's so many unfinished task and topic for me to cover before my departure to Japan. Even though I still have 3 months left, my colleague/trainer is going for her maternity leaves in 2 weeks time. Huh, just great..
Despite my busy schedule, I did managed to attend a 1 day conference called Being ME-Muslimah Empowered with 2 of my VIP buddies (oh yeah!). I was supposed to join my family for a trip to Vietnam but I just couldn't missed this event! I bought a discounted ticket for early birds for only RM100 and masyallah, it sure does worth every penny! The 'woman only' conference was held on the 30thJune at Matrade, Kuala Lumpur, hosted by the ever so lovely sister Wardina Saffiyah. It was first of a kind held in Malaysia with many international speakers flew-in by the organizers to share their thoughts and experiences.
The event started around 10.00a.m with the recital of the Holy Quran and continued with a heartwarming poem. The talks were alternated with sessions of Muslimah fashion show, nasheed and also all-day bazaar outside the main hall. They also provide a daycare area for fathers and their toddlers. How considerate! Back to the topics discussed, it revolves on the roles and challenges of Muslim women (single or married) in today's society, how Muslim can achieve balance inside out and also the power of change! Sister Raya Shokatfard from USA shared her story of her long quest to find God, which after many years of studying different religions she finally found her way back to Allah SWT and Islam. Lots of tears were shared during the whole event. Here are few quotes from my favorite speakers:
Hijab is not to hide you, but only your body. Hijab is to highlight your personality, your value and your intellectual as Muslimah. (Dr. Fadilla Grine, Canada)
Your position to God, is not determine by human. Your value, is not determine by how many man who likes you. If you seek for love, seek it through God and not lust. Perfection can only be found in Allah SWT. (Sister Yasmin Mogahed, USA).
Be careful with your heart, don't love someone more than Allah SWT, and don't let your heart breaks for other than Him. (Sheikh Yahya Ibrahim, Australia).Conference like this can help you gain so much. (Too bad I couldn't stay for the night sessions) It opens your eyes, your mind, your heart, quench your thirst for knowledge and wisdom. It's a reminder and encouragement, shared by your beloved sisters and brothers in Islam. May Allah blessed their good deeds. I pray that I could have many more opportunities and the desire to attend such event in the future. Soon, Insyaallah.