Tuesday, March 27, 2018

To my beautiful stranger

So it's that phase again,
Where nights feels too short,
And days seems too long.

But this time it feels different,

This time is an exception,
For you are too precious,
Peculiar and bodacious.

Thank you for choosing to stick around,
Though you couldn't promise for how long,

So when it's time for our goodbye,
Let there be no regret, but only smile.
To my beautiful stranger;

That awakens my shielded emotion,
That captures my wounded heart,

Lets celebrate this union.
Lets celebrate us,

Before we return back this borrowed moments.

(27/03/18 - from FS to FK)            

...and before I knew it, it ended..THE END.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Let's focus on bigger things!

I saw my Facebook reminder of my wonderful trip to Jeju Island last year, distracting me from my rough day abit. Got me thinking wow, there's so many wonderful, meaningful, exciting things in my bucket list that I've yet to complete! My travel journey has been dull lately. I went to Kyoto last month 100% for work-only purpose. So I'm going to Tokyo in Nov as a revenge for all the hardships that I've faced for the Kyoto business trip (I don't know who am I avenging actually). >"< Can't believe I've been to only 6% of the entire countries in the world so far! I thought I've travelled a lot, but I guess that's because I keep travelling to the same country over and over. Hahaha..Swiss and Italy has always been in my mind, and recently Morocco and Canada caught my interest too. But those countries are so far!! Huhuhu..I wish money grows on trees. And bosses have no rights to reject our annual leave application. That'll be good too. Let's plan! Or lets' dream!
Daisypath Graduation tickers